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 BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers), Bert is one of the algorithm updates rolled out by Google after the Rank Brain algorithm update in the last 5 years.

This is Natural Language Processing (NLP) pre-training which is a natural network base technique of Google, which is called BERT for short.

With Burt, Google will be able to better understand 1 in 10 search queries, just as a human understands. From now on, Google will consider each word of the search query differently, will create meaning, through which we will see more relevant results on the search engine results page.

Bert rolling out and its effects:-

Google Burt rolled out this week (October 25, 2019), and it is said that this (algorithm update) will be live throughout the week.

It is currently working for English search queries but is expected to work for other language queries in the future. Google's update feature will also affect snippets.

According to Google, the Bert algorithm has affected search queries by as much as 10%, and much more. Example: Hopefully with this example, you can easily understand Bert's type of work. The following example is collected from Google Blog.

Earlier when someone was searching for “2019 brazil traveler to the USA need a visa” then Google did not give importance to the word “to” here and its relation to the words after it. As a result of this search, Google showed the visa information of the people who want to travel to Brazil from America. Which is the complete opposite of what is being searched.

 Bert is helping us to understand the small and subtle aspects of the language, where the computer is having a lot of trouble understanding it and he is showing irrelevant results.

Some important issues related to BERT:-

The Bert algorithm will be rolled out throughout this week and it has been able to make major changes to the English snippet as well as the featured snippet.

Bert is very much like Rank Brain, a machine learning algorithm that aims to better understand search queries and content and display relevant results.

Bert helps Google understand more human-like questions and natural language and conversation-based content. Also, Bert helps Google to show accurate results by realizing every detail and the meaning of each word.

This algorithm will not work instead of Rank Brain or any other Google algorithm, rather, it will work in conjunction with them.

Will the BERT update change the way SEO is implemented?

Not being answered.

Because it is not an algorithm like Google Penguin or Google Panda, which with the update comes to a lot of changes or enhancements in the application of SEO.

But of course, there is some work for us to do. If you do that, it is possible to do better on the Google results page. And that is, present your website content in a better way and write the content for one person, not for any search engine. Where you only care about keywords in the hope of a good position.

I hope you have gained a detailed idea of ​​the BERT algorithm from this discussion. If you still have any questions, please let me know in the comments. I will try to give the correct answer to your question. Will the BERT update change the way SEO is implemented?

Not being answered.

Because it is not an algorithm like Google Penguin or Google Panda, which with the update comes to a lot of changes or enhancements in the implementation of SEO.

But of course, there is some work for us to do. If you do that, it is possible to do better on the Google results page. And that is, present your website content in a better way and write the content for one person, not for any search engine. Where you only care about keywords in the hope of a good position.

I hope you have gained a detailed idea of ​​the BERT algorithm from this discussion. If you still have any questions, please let me know in the comments. I will try to give the correct answer to your question.

But BERT understands here that the word "to" is very important here and its relation to the next words. This will allow Google to understand that there is a Brazilian here who wants to go to America and wants to know the relevant visa information. From now on search results will be more relevant.


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